Cash Reserve Fund

Earning More to Give More

What if you could earn more to give more? Our short-term and long-term individual investment options give you the flexibility to earn on your cash. Investors must be a Member of a Missouri Baptist Convention Church OR affiliated with a client of the Missouri Baptist Foundation. Funds are invested into an FDIC-insured product.

*This is not an offer to sell our securities to you, and we are not soliciting you to buy our securities. This offering is made solely by our offering circular. Investment minimums and qualifications apply.

Cash Reserve Fund

Our fee-free Cash Reserve Fund (formerly called MBF Cash Fund for Individuals) is a cash investment (via a demand note) open to individual investors that earns a monthly interest rate. Investors can deposit or withdraw funds at any time without penalty.

Term Investments

Our Term Investment is a cash investment (via a term note) open to individual investors that earns an interest rate for either a 6-month or 12-month period.