Our Mission
Since 1946, the Missouri Baptist Foundation has been working tirelessly to develop, manage, and distribute financial resources for the benefit of Missouri Baptists’ mission and ministry efforts within Missouri, the United States, and around the world. Our goal is to provide comprehensive financial management solutions that enable our partners to achieve their ministry dreams for today, tomorrow, and for ten thousand tomorrows.
Our Impact
Through the management of assets entrusted to us by individuals and families, churches, and mission or ministry organizations, we were able to distribute $32,311,966 in 2024 to support the advancement of the Gospel worldwide. These funds were allocated to various ministries, associations, churches, and individuals to further their missions and help spread the message of the Gospel.
Our Principles
The Missouri Baptist Foundation upholds the Biblical principles of responsible stewardship and encourages investment decisions that align with Christian and moral values. Our investment philosophy is driven by our mission to please God and advance the Gospel, focusing on making a positive impact while growing funds for His Kingdom.
As part of this philosophy, the Foundation has directed its investment managers to avoid companies involved in activities such as tobacco, alcohol, gambling, pornography, abortion, and fetal tissue research. Our aim is to create a better world by implementing positive screens.
While most of our investments are managed as separate accounts and subject to these screens, there are some exceptions. For example, commingled funds like hedge funds are not subject to the same screening process. Any deviation from our guidelines is carefully evaluated and approved by the Endowment Management Committee.
MBF is governed by a twelve-member Board of Trustees and operated by staff at its headquarters in Jefferson City, Missouri. As a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), MBF adheres to high standards of financial accountability and transparency.